I just realized when I wrote the title for this blog that Skim's actual name is it her nickname - Kim. Wow, that took awhile.
My fist thoughts on reading this book were that is was so different that anything else I have ever read. It shows you the images rather than you having to come up with them in your mind. This leaves little to the imagination when it comes to this visual literature... but I thought the story line made up for that. I was really surprised when Skim fell in love with her teacher. I was so confused and it was something that I didn't see coming. When skimming (no pun intended!) through the book I would have never thought that to be part of the storyline, especially since it won the best illustrated children's book award. This part of the story provided a sort of mystery to the reader because it is hard to understand the relationship they had and also the feeling that Ms. Archer is having because we can't see her thought bubbles. The end left me hanging a little as to what exactly happened, it is sort left up to the reader to figure it out.
Thanks for including an image. I wonder why so many people are shocked that this is a children's book (it gets classified as young adult usually, but in publishing that counts as children's). We should talk about this in class.