As a woman, have you ever stopped and thought about what you are actually reading when you open up a magazine? I know that I, personally, have not thought twice about what I read in Cosmo every month. After thinking about it, it occured to me that all the articles seem to make you feel as if there is always something you need to improve upon. How to improve this, how to improve that... blah blah blah
It's as if you aren't ever good enough!
This is just one of the observations I made about the article(s) in Cosmo. I also noticed that there are more emotional connections and experiences the authors draws from. This ties in with Jane Tompkins article and how women are seen as more pathos writers compared to logos.
For the men's magazine article, I went straight to GQ to look around. I had never read anything in this magazine before. What struck me was the length of the articles. They were short and very much to the point. They would even break it down into bullet points, if the shortness of the article wasn't simple enough!! They also used strong words that women would not take to easily.
These are just some of the things that caught my eye in the article assignment for my class. What has this world come to?! Ha Well hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend! I know I am :)
Very interesting differences you noticed, and yes, I think it is tied to the pathos or logos driven writing. Also, yes it is important to recognize that the magazines assume you need to improve yourself. Maybe we are all okay as we are :)