Hey Ya! By: Outkast
Hey Ya! By: Obadiah Parker
I hope everyone enjoyed those videos! What a difference in songs, right?! I like both songs; it would just depend on the mood I am in. If I'm in a dancin mood, then I'd listen to the Outkast version. If I was in a serious mood, I would listen to the cover. The cover feels as if it has more meaning. When Obadiah Parker does the cover, he sounds more sincere in what he is saying and that I would acutally take a second to listen to what he is saying. It could even be seen as a song written for a girl; you could recognize that and take him more for serious. For the Outkast version, I feel like I would only dance to it and I wouldn't think twice about what he is saying. The cover has a slower rhythm and also focuses on the singer instead of the back music. Obadiah Parker also plays the acustic guitar in his version of the song which changes the whole genre of music. It was first a hip hop song and then changes into a more pop-sounding song. The comparisons are kind of funny. The original song is done by a skinny black guy who can dance really well! The cover song is done by a heavier set white guy with a beard. OPPOSITES! Yet both songs are good. The Outkast version is more upbeat and makes you want to dance to it. The cover version makes you connect to the song more and is just a good listening and singing-along song.
What's cooler than being cool?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Two Faces of Mr. Darcy

I have finally finished reading Bridget Jone's Diary and have also watched the movie! I had NEVER seen the movie before. Crazy right?! I think I might be the only one in the class. I think it's a plus though, because I got to create my own image of Bridget. Like as many people say, it's better to read the book before watching the movie!
I was surprised at how different the movie was from what I had concocted in my head. The whole plot line of Julian and Bridget's mother was very different. In the movie, Julian and her mother never run away with the money. This surprised me that they left this all out. I also found the portrayal of Bridget slightly different than the image I created. In the book, it seemed to me that she had more quirks about her. This is most likely because we were actually reading her diary compared to just watching her life played out. I saw some similarities though too. The relationship of Bridget and all her friends is exactly what I had pictured.
After reading and watching Bridget Jone's Diary, I can't help but to agree with the fact that it is a new-age Pride and Prejudice . Helen Fielding puts a spin on the plot to make it a BIT more modern. You can see this through the character relationship between Bridget and Mark Darcy. At first Bridget doesn't like Mr. Darcy one bit. In fact, she pretty much hates him. She falls under these false assumptions similar to what Elizabeth Bennet does to Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. And as the plot works out, these assumptions are proven false and they fall in love and live happily ever after. I just love those kinds of endings! Typical girl, I know.
A girl can dream, can't she?
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Cosmo vs. GQ

As a woman, have you ever stopped and thought about what you are actually reading when you open up a magazine? I know that I, personally, have not thought twice about what I read in Cosmo every month. After thinking about it, it occured to me that all the articles seem to make you feel as if there is always something you need to improve upon. How to improve this, how to improve that... blah blah blah
It's as if you aren't ever good enough!
This is just one of the observations I made about the article(s) in Cosmo. I also noticed that there are more emotional connections and experiences the authors draws from. This ties in with Jane Tompkins article and how women are seen as more pathos writers compared to logos.
For the men's magazine article, I went straight to GQ to look around. I had never read anything in this magazine before. What struck me was the length of the articles. They were short and very much to the point. They would even break it down into bullet points, if the shortness of the article wasn't simple enough!! They also used strong words that women would not take to easily.
These are just some of the things that caught my eye in the article assignment for my class. What has this world come to?! Ha Well hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend! I know I am :)
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